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Cookie Policy

Our cookie policy

You may also want to read our Privacy Policy and Standard Conditions and Terms.

We use non-essential cookies on this website – but not without your consent. The first time you visit the website, you will be presented with a message about cookies at the bottom of the page. If you don't accept, we will only store cookies when absolutely necessary.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a text file that is saved on your computer when you visit a website. In this text file, the website stores information that it would like to read the next time you visit the page. It is often information that is used for statistics and analysis and is completely harmless.

A cookie is a text file, not a program file. This means that the cookie can not do anything on your computer itself. It can not collect information, spread viruses, or otherwise harm. The contents of cookies are read and written by the websites you visit as a user.

When using the website, a session cookie is set, which is required for the site to function optimally. This cookie does not collect any personal information about you and will be deleted when you close your browser.

We use cookies for the following purposes:


  • for the website to work, we store a session cookie
  • to remember your cookie preferences, we store a cookie


  • to collect user data through Google Analytics
  • to collect user data through Facebook Pixel
  • to collect user data through LinkedIn Insight Tag

If you click "Accept"

If you click "Accept", we will add cookies to your computer, and the message on the front page disappears. Next time you visit the site with the same browser, you will not be asked if you want to accept cookies.

If you click "Reject"

If you click "Reject", or if you click on a new page without considering cookies, we will add a cookie to your computer to remember your cookie preferences. From this point, we will not add cookies to your computer, and you will not be asked again.

Want to disable cookies completely?

If you do not want any cookies to be installed on your computer, you can turn off cookies completely in your browser settings. You should be aware that in that case, this site or other sites may contain elements that will not work without cookies.

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